Anne Versailles, lives and works in Brussels. Biologist, geopoet and walker, she works mainly with fieldrecording. Her work explores displacement, crossing and slowness. As a sound artist, she collects sounds while crossing territories and composes acousmatic works born from the energy of the crossed landscape that she then diffuses in the form of in situ sound installations.
Her work questions the infra and the infinitesimal, what cannot be seen, the details, the roughnesses as well as the small joys, scratching the surface, awakening the non-visible, the inaudible. She also composes for radio creation, theater or sound walks. She also writes and publishs poetry and her literary work is not different from her sound work, the two are often mixed.
She has shown her work at international institutions, among others,, Ars Electonica Linz, FRAC Grand Large Dunkerque. She is member of Pepason (french association of soundscape pedagogues), and RASCAL (Research on Animal Song in Culture, Arts and literature).