Three short pieces produced by Akiko Mik, Britt van den Boogaard and Davide Andriani, during the “Re-Thinking Radio Art” workshop help at the Institute of Sonology by Margherita Brillada in April 2023. During this workshop we explored the territory of radio art with an overview of its history and approach in the contemporary era, giving an insight into radio as a public space/place for experimental sound art, talking about community radio, collective listening and the socio-political role of the medium. We focused on understanding the various approaches and explorations of radio as a medium for artistic activities, technological development and its artistic implications/implementations with the related musical forms expressed through the radio: radio drama, sound poetry, radio documentary and contemporary radio artworks with listening sessions, addressing issues such as acoustic ecology, field recording and the soundscape on the radio.
Featured Transmission(s):
- Aired on April 16th 12:45 CEST 2023
- Works by Akiko Mik, Britt van den Boogaard and Davide Andriani
- Genre: Radio Art
- Duration: 30 min