On Air – On Site
Featured Transmission(s):
  • Aired on May 25th 04:45 CEST 2024
  • Caribbean Sea
  • Genre: Field Recording
  • Duration: 15 min
  • This year's field recording interludes feature brand-new recordings of the Caribbean Sea off the coast of Havana. Clear seas and clear skies to bring you some moments of absolute peace.
  • Aired on May 25th 07:30 CEST 2024
  • Carolusschool
  • Genre: Field Recording
  • Duration: 30 min
  • It's break time at the Carolusschool in The Hague.
  • Aired on May 25th 10:30 CEST 2024
  • Caribbean Sea
  • Genre: Field Recording
  • Duration: 15 min
  • Aired on May 25th 13:45 CEST 2024
  • Caribbean Sea
  • Genre: Field Recording
  • Duration: 15 min
  • Gentle waves and a soft breeze is easing us into the live part of our program at the Institute of Sonology in The Hague. Walk in to join a variety of fascinating performance, or stay tuned online as they will be transmitted in real time.
  • Aired on May 25th 19:45 CEST 2024
  • Caribbean Sea
  • Genre: Field Recording
  • Duration: 15 min
  • ... lowering your blood pressure one last time before an exciting night of fixed media transmission followed by a live program from Radio TONKA...
  • Aired on May 26th 05:45 CEST 2024
  • Delft Soundscape
  • Genre: Field Recording
  • Duration: 15 min
  • This field recording captures the serene ambiance of Delft during springtime 2024. The gentle chirping of birds heralds the season, harmonizing with the distant chime of church bells from the iconic Nieuwe Kerk. Light footsteps and the occasional hum of cyclists weave through the cobblestone streets, adding a subtle rhythm to the soundscape. A soft breeze rustles through blossoming trees, intermingling with the murmur of passersby enjoying outdoor cafes. The sounds of the bustling market and the gentle lapping of canal waves blend harmoniously, completing the vibrant yet tranquil auditory tapestry of Delft in spring.

On Air – On Site

On Air – On Site is there for you once a year for 48 hours, both online and on site. If you miss us after, you can always visit the archive, have a listen, and of course send us a message any time.


katarina kadijević

Chelidon Frame

60 Seconds Radio

Leonie Roessler


Margherita Brillada

On Air – On Site

A2 Abd El Monim

Peter Adriaansz

Leonie Roessler

Ivana Ray Singh [LIVE]

Gabi Schaffner [LIVE]

Noise à Noise & Ehsan Saboohi

Mark Vernon & Leonie Roessler

Mark Vernon

Karmen Ponikvar

Cristiano Melli

Mattia Barbagallo [LIVE]

Ruben Brovida [LIVE]

Radio LOOS

Cuban Partners


Brian Short

Tjebbe van der Kooij   [LIVE]

Mark Smith


Roberto Vaio


Viktoria Nikolova

Barbara Ellison

Francisco López

katarina kadijević & Otis [LIVE]


Salon Brut [LIVE]

Roberto Vilela [LIVE]

Viktoria Arvayova & Miche O’higgins [LIVE]

Sahil Bahl [LIVE]

Antoni Hidalgo

Sebastián Pafundo

Paul Beaudoin


Alex Head

Anne Wellmer

Nicolás Kisic Aguirre

Federico Primavera

Lucy Valentine

Violeta López

Bastian Keim

Nico Hemmer

Nicola Fumo Frattegiani

Felix Mayer

Marianna Maruyama & Hessel Veldman

Jean-Baptiste Masson

Frederico Pessoa

Balam Ronan

Tom Baker & Anne La Berge

Lidia Zielinska

Pasquale Savignano

Audrey Repon

John Roach

Jemin Choi

Oyuun Tuule & Circular Void

Mathias Guilbaud

Wijnand Bredewold

Andre Perim

Ale Borea

Cameron Naylor

Emmanuel Mieville

Klyl Shifroni [LIVE]

Benoit Bories

Matto Zoppi

Patrick Amico & Henriett Pálházy [LIVE]

Adomas Palekas [LIVE]

Jelle van den Brink

Cecilie Fang & Burchhhha [LIVE]

Lennart Sailer & Shawn Wong [LIVE]

Sarah Atzori [LIVE]

Workshop Radio Art


Laurens Floris

Tingy Jiang

A2 Abd El Monim [LIVE]

Radio Fujot

60 Second Radio

Chelidon Frame

Cashmere Radio [LIVE]

Nefo [LIVE]

Garance Navarro-Ugé

BMB con.

Radio Tonka [LIVE]

Radio LOOS

Colquhoun & McNeill

Biodiversità Records

Cristiano Melli

Laurence White

Victoria Martinez

Stefan Janik

Karmen Ponikvar

Monica Brown

Frances Drayson

Leonie Roessler

Radio Concrete

Giulia Rae

Meira Asher

Valerio Orlandini

David Curington

Nicola Cappelletti

Nicky Stott & Nat Grant with Luc Yong

Manja Ristic and Mark Vernon

Gabi Schaffner

Brian Short

Anne Versailles

Edward Ruchalski

Margherita Brillada

Online streaming from May 24 at 20:00 until May 26 at 20:00 (CEST) Live events: Saturday, May 25. h 14:00 Institute of Sonology Sunday, May 26. h 13:30 WEST Den Haag
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Re-thinking radio as a social and public space for artistic involvement.


Event starts in 00:00:00