Jelle van den Brink (1999, NL) is a student of music and architecture. As a cook, musician and instrument maker, he enjoys the transformation of raw material into new forms and is always curious about finding new methods to do so.
In the autumn of 2022, my father, brother, sister and I travelled to a small town in Asturias, Spain. Planning such a trip together was already an achievement for a matured family, but the importance of the destination made us all willing to step share a 3-day car drive to our former home in the village of Teverga.
Despite having only lived there shortly as toddlers, all of our earliest memories are centered around this remote place. On our trip we would be confronted with the vagueness that surrounds these childhood memories, and the absence of our own childhood whilst sharing the now cramped backseats of cars and budget hotel rooms.
The piece puzzles together this past by focussing on the relationship between memory and food. To do so, it interweaves fragments of writings, field recordings, and small remarks made along the way. A Teverga contains readings of the novel Reizigers bij een Herberg (H.M. van den Brink, 2003) written in the same surroundings.